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If you were too young to experience the 70s now is the time to catch up and really go all out! Accessories your 70s disco look with a huge afro wig, retro shiny medallions and a stick-on handlebar moustache. A chest wig completes the look like nothing else. For the ladies who want to look both fun and glamorous, this can be achieved with a flirty mini-dress with a psychedelic 70s pattern.

When people are into an MLM business, they bring all sorts of luggage with them when they decide to join. The single most important piece of that they bring is their commitment or lack thereof. So how do you find those people as we meet and greet throughout the day. Can you find someone who is trusting enough to believe and share in your passion for what you believe in so strongly Sure you can. But will they have what it takes to stay and tough it out!

