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According to the myths of Greece and Roman, the emergence of the deity Venus has a magnificent and musical legend. In the splashing of the foams, she has come into being. That is to say, her appearance is companied with the rhythm of the sea. The tale articulates the charm of rhythm in an aesthetic narration of the birth of the representative of beauty and love. In fact, the beauty of rhythm is everywhere in the world. We can create a metaphor that rhythm is a spirit that is all-pervading. The start of the universe originates from the cadenced beat and the big bang. The circling of the planets have their respective orbits and periods. And the division of the constellation is based on the parallel condition among the stars, which is also one influential illustration of the function of rhythm. This is the exhibition of rhythm in the heaven bodies. Rhythm as well has its dominant rank in the world.

Carmelo LaSpada learned to take one day at a time, because, he said, "every day was just a matter of survival." A lesson that he learned, one that he would preach to his men a quarter of a century later during two tours in Vietnam, was that "you can't worry about your girlfriend or what she's doing back in the States. Worry about what you're doing. And worry about your buddies."

